Ear Infections
Relieve Your Ear Infections
A ear infection entails inflammation and buildup of fluid in the middle ear, located just behind the eardrum. Anyone can get a ear infection, but children get them more often than adults. Ear infections are the most common reason parents bring their children to the doctor’s office.
Ear infections are commonly caused by bacteria. They’re often treated with a 7–10 day course of oral antibiotics. But getting young children to take the medication can be difficult. Stopping the medicine too soon can allow the infection to come back and cause bacteria to become resistant to antibiotics.
Causes of Ear Infections
Types of Ear Infections
There are three main types of ear infections:
Otitis Media: This type of infection occurs in the middle ear and is often associated with fluid buildup behind the eardrum. Otitis media is prevalent in children but can also affect adults.
Otitis Externa: Also known as swimmer's ear, this infection occurs in the ear canal, usually due to water exposure. It can cause pain and discomfort, particularly when manipulating the ear.
Otitis Interna (Labyrinthitis): This is an infection of the inner ear, often accompanied by dizziness and balance issues.
The symptoms of an ear infection can vary depending on the type and severity of the infection.
Common symptoms include:
Ear Pain: Persistent pain or discomfort in one or both ears
Hearing Loss: Reduced hearing ability or muffled sounds
Fluid Drainage: Discharge of pus or fluid from the ear
Fever: Especially in cases of bacterial infection
Irritability (in children): Due to the discomfort associated with ear infections
Fatigue and feeling ill
Bad breath and loss of smell
Pressure-like pain behind the eyes, toothache, or sensitivity in the face
Complications from sinusitis include: meningitis, other infections, loss of sense of smell, and vision problems.
Our Specialization
Dr. Ong Yew Kwang’s expertise is in the medical and surgical management of common ear conditions, such as ear wax, various types of outer and middle ear infections, hearing loss in both the young and old. With over 22 years of Ear, Nose & Throat specialist experience, Dr. Ong also has an interest in managing patients with chronic dizziness and facial nerve palsy.
Treatment of Ear Infections
The appropriate treatment for an ear infection depends on the type and severity.
Antibiotics: Bacterial infections often require a course of antibiotics prescribed by a healthcare professional.
Pain Management: Over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen can help manage pain and reduce fever.
Ear Drops: Prescription or over-the-counter ear drops may be recommended to alleviate pain and inflammation.
Warm Compress: Applying a warm compress to the affected ear can provide relief.
To schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Ong, please click here to book an appointment.